In the spring of 1942, the Crisis on Infinite Earths invaded both Earth-S and Earth-Two, with the former world being a special target for minions of the anti-matter universe. Drawn to that planet from their native universe, a trio of heroes encountered Captain Marvel, helping him to combat the massive shadow creature.
Following this victorious battle, Cap commented on the interesting names of these visiting members of the All-Star Squadron, comparing them to Bulletman, Spy Smasher, Mister Scarlet and Pinky. In turn, the three members All-Stars noted the unique Fawcett City where Marvel lived, and asked if his world has versions of their Metropolis and Gotham City. Cap hadn't heard of either, no doubt his City substitutes for Superman's. But Gotham was an actual city on Earth-S, as it was home or Scarlet and Pinky, which Marvel visited recently in pursuit of a criminal! Apparently, geography was not his strong point. But we know better!
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